Our theme for September is Back to School. Our challenge for the month is to send in a picture or two (no more please!) of your favorite school themed miniature to Kathy Price at price1240@att.net and we will post it HERE.
Our challenge sample comes from Terry Unnold who sent in a centerpiece she made with her club for the "All Across America" convention which featured Noah Webster of Webster's Dictionary fame. Noah wanted to replace English textbooks with American textbooks. For full instructions, click HERE.
We only have one new tutorial this month, but it's a cute one. Follow the directions HERE to make this little school in a Crayola Crayon box.
We have a lot happening in Create-ive Offerings. Sherry Taylor will be hosting a Gift and Gab with Wrought Iron Styles, Pat Jackson will be offering her 1" class "Iris": Fairy and Friend, Belinda Williams of Castle Crafts will be offering her Artist Collection, Ginger Landon Siegel will be hosting a Gift and Gab on the Mystique of Dimensional (Paper) Miniatures, and Cat Wingler will be teaching a Santa's Kitchen workshop. There are other classes, but they are sold out.
Click here for more information on all our Create-ive Offerings.
We don't have much in the way of Create Shares at the moment, but maybe you have something to share with us. Would you be willing to show us your collection via zoom or a slide show? Or do you have a miniature talent you can demonstrate? Please contact Debbie Colombo.
For information on all Create Shares, look HERE.
Have you missed one of our wonderful Create Shares? They are all available to be watched here on our Videos page.
If you haven’t dropped in to one of the live zoom sessions you have no idea how much fun you can have playing minis in the comfort of your own home with online friends. Check the calendar for times and links.
Have you seen our "Did You Know?" page. There are many clever ideas on this page, but if you have another idea, please submit it!