‘We cannot do all the good that the world needs, but right now the world needs all the good we can do.’
Adapted from Jana Stanfield
Your Create Team
Debbie Colombo, Committee Chair
Alician Pearce, Quick Minis and Garage Sales
Carolyn Eiche, Special Events
Julie French, Gift and Gabs, Create Shares
Preble McDaniel, Newsletter
Barbara Thornton-Hill, Online Groups Liaison, Workshops
Katie Vitullo, Special Events
Wanda Waterfield, Publicity
Barb Antol, Member at Large
Terry Unnold, Member at Large
Cat Wingler, Resident Advisor
Janet Smith, Website
Julie Stuckmeyer, Website
Tammy Witthaus, Website
To reach out to the team with suggestions or comments, please use the Contact box.