January 2025 - Resolution to Improve

January is the traditional time for resolutions and efforts at improvement! Create is going to be five years old on October 1, 2025. At Create, our one Resolution for 2025 is to give you MORE. We want to give you more of what you like about Create. Send us your ideas and wish list ....

  • What instructors would you like to see? 
  • What project would you like to do? 
  • What is something we’ve done well and you want more?
  • What is something we’ve never done, but you wish we would?

We would like to update our site and welcome your suggestions! We need you. We want new ideas. Our challenge for January is to offer your suggestion(s) to make Create even more fun. 

Everyone that submits an idea gets a small prize and their name goes into a drawing. One gift per person and one drawing entry no matter how many ideas/suggestions you send in. The prize for the drawing is a kit by Janet Smith from several years back ... it is a speakeasy in a violin case. 


Instead of posting the submissions, all ideas will be sent to the committee for discussion. To participate, please send in your idea(s) or suggestion(s) to Barbara Thornton-Hill at bathca@gmail.com 

Our challenge sample comes from Molly Miniaturist. Molly writes:

"I've been active in Create since 2022. I missed some of the early things like the Neverwas and the first Camp Makamini. They looked really fun. I would like to see more Create Shares and am even willing to show off my collection in the form of a slide show. I also know how to make great half scale plants and am willing to provide a tutorial showing how to make them."

Obviously, you don't HAVE to volunteer to share your skills but we would really appreciate it if you do have anything to offer.