Although these people missed one or more check-ins, they still get an "Honorable Mention."
From Kim Baier:
This year, finally, I hope to finish my castle library room box. It’s been a very slow go -- several years in fact.
March Update:
No March Update
From Joan Barnes:
This will be my first year doing the Miniature Challenge. I haven't worked on my miniatures, since I relocated from Illinois to New Jersey in 2021. My challenge is to complete (The Potter House, 1:24 scale), first time working in 1:24 scale. I also plan to start on the 1:12 scale (The Abilene House), once I complete the Potter house by September. I purchased the houses in November at the Philadelphia Miniature from "Little Vintage Lane Miniatures". I do not have a picture of the Abilene, because its still in my car, yes, since last November.
March Update:
I signed up to participate in the challenge, but I'm going into surgery tomorrow to take out my right kidney, which has a tumor on it. I plan to continue after I heal, but will not be able to show what I've started, and I actually started on it. (Editorial: Get well soon!)
June Update: No June Update
From Jene Bondi:
My next project will be my insane asylum, called Twilight House Safe Place for Peculiar People. It will have a waiting room, reception/nurse office, padded cell and a "treatment" room. Maybe even a glimpse into the "cold storage". I've been percolating this idea since 2021.
March Update:
Unfortunately real life and selling at Shelly Online Miniature Show got in my way. Zip was accomplished, but here are my Miniature sales. So some I did some miniatures. My pink chair is under there somewhere.
June Update:
Dropped out May 22, 2024. I'm going to bow out of the contest for 2024. My basement has flooded 9 times in under 7 weeks (last one 2 days ago) the miniature room is a hot mess and nothing is where it's supposed to be and I'm helping clean out a hoarder house.
From Jennifer Brodeur:
Here is the photo for the project I have chosen for the CYLC 2024. The Adobe House was my very first miniature project, purchased in January 2020. Not really knowing what I was doing, I became overwhelmed and put it away to work on smaller projects. It's time to finish it, once I find where I put all the pieces!
March Update:
Officially dropped out 2/28/2024.
From Mandi Burt:
I am going to try again this year but with a smaller project I bought and want to do but can't seem to get to. I bought it in Chicago (it was sold out & our wires got crossed and it never got sent to me) and didn't even pick it up until Philadelphia! But I really want to do this one. Hopefully this year is going to be calmer for me and I can do miniature projects!!
March Update:
June Update:
No June Update
From Karen Dickert:
I plan to complete the Joie de Vivre structure, base and furnishings.
March Update:
I’ve had several unforeseen real life issues this quarter so I’m unable to send a first quarter update. I do plan to continue working on Joie de Vivre and hopefully I will finish it by the end of the year but I have no progress pictures for this quarter.
June Update:
No June Update
From Lori Ebiner:
I'm calling this challenge my "Elephant in the Room Goal". A couple of years ago I purchased a box of miniatures from an estate sale. When I arrived to pick up the one box I found out that it was four boxes plus this huge house! My goodness, as a newbie to mini's this "guy" is a little overwhelming and has sat watching me from the spot I put him ever since bringing him home. My goal is for the first time get him out where I can really look at him....make a plan...and get started! I hope to have this house fixed and painted on the outside. Inside, I'm worried that having it finished will be too much. Hopefully I'll have it cleaned up, and in move in condition. Ok.... I said it... Fingers crossed!
March Update:
I'm happily here to show my progress as of March on "Lily House". (She has a name!) I decided to take her one floor at a time. Far from done on this first level but, I've placed new doors and windows, wallpapered, and am working on the floors and trims. I'm really happy with the new kitchen windows and the French doors in the study. I've placed some furniture just for fun for the photos. I know I'm working a little haphazardly but that's just me.
June Update:
No June Update
From Jean Ellsworth:
My project will be to complete my "MANOR HOUSE MINIATURES" Shop. It is a replica of the shop I owned in the 70's and early 80's. I did not get it completed last year. Hopefully I will finish it this year.
March Update:
I have only worked on 2 small house kits for my dollhouse shop, this quarter. They are not completed. Have been dealing with some health issues and tests. Also waiting on some electrical supplies.
June Update:
No June update
From Natalia Frank:
I followed the Challenge 2023 with a big interest and decided to participate in 2024 Challenge hoping it will help me to finish my projects.
My first project is a room box that I call "Half Way Done". When I saw this structure at $5 at the antique store, I knew it will fit the idea I have been carrying in my mind for a while.
My second project is a retirement resort for dollhouse miniatures enthusiasts. I put the Real Good Toys display showcase together in December 2023 and am ready to start working on it in 2024.
March Update:
I haven't devoted much time to my projects due to being busy preparing for the upcoming shows. I've done some mock up with the furniture for the doctor's bedroom for the project # 1 and ordered some glass to be cut for my project # 2.
June Update:
No June update
From Julie French:
I’d like to attempt to complete my RBM calendar from 2022, again, since I failed in 2022 and 2023 😂🤦🏻♀️ I have 6.5 months left to finish from the calendar kits.
March Update:
June is complete! 🙌🏻
June Update:
No June update
From Evelyn Gumina:
My year long challenge will be 1:48 BirdHouse Bluff ... a kit I should be receiving some time this month.
My additional Challenge is to work on my Petalstone Kit after completing Birdhouse Bluff.
March Update:
I have worked on Birdhouse Bluff this past quarter. Not ready to share picture.
Withdrew 4/2/2024
From Pat Hartman:
I took this class with Noel & Pat Thomas in 1994 and here it sits in 2024! The inside has a few panels but that’s it. I was tempted to give it away (several times) but now I want to keep it and get it finished.🤞
March Update:
Withdrew April 1, 2024
From Pat Jackson:
I am doing a rehab of my Beacon hill and haven't touched it for 2 years. So in all renovations everything is packed up waiting for the contractor ... me ... to get it done. So here she is and as she has been for over a year. I would like to finish her this year so I can display my own personal collections of all the beautiful pieces in the box.
March Update:
No March Update
From Janette Henry:
I'm excited to join this year's challenge! My goal is to convert this Thrift Store gem into the Walt Disney World's Haunted Mansion. I plan to complete a minimum of one room per month, however, there are 18 rooms in total plus the exterior of the mansion.
March Update:
June Update:
No June update
From Kristie Horrell:
I will be working on the Carpathian House and the Lakeside Log Cabin.
March Update:
I have gotten a little farther.
June Update:
No June update
From Marcia Hudspeth:
For the Create Year Long Challenge, I'm going to build a 'rooms to go' structure so I have a place to put all my 'homeless' furniture. It will probably take me 3 years!!!
March Update:
Back wall of furniture store.
From Katie Kirby:
Pickett Hill will be my project this year. It has been sitting in my workshop for years - ever since it came out. I’ve always thought of doing a Christmas house, and this just might be the theme. I usually do some kit-bashing and may do some on this house. I will make most/all of the furniture. My hands are itching to get started!
March Update:
I could not do anything this quarter - work, illness, etc. Life interferes! I'll try again next quarter.
June Update:
No June update
From Teresa Lyter:
By the end of 2024, I hope to have completed two projects: my 1/24 scale Thistlewynd Cottage (on the right in the photo) and my 1/12 scale Sewing Studio for my sister (the pile of wood on the left in the photo).
March Update:
Sadly, I accomplished nothing on my challenge projects. I’m not giving up. Stay tuned for June’s update!
June Update:
No June update
From Cindy McDaniel:
I started this in 2013 and has been in this state ever sense. Each store front is being named after my grandchildren. The store names are: Blake's Bakery. Brae’s Pet Shop. Kaydan’s Kristmas, Kylie’s Fabrics, Taylor’s Toys or maybe Taylor’s Hobbies, and Tesla’s Boutique.
March Update:
No March Update
From Kathy McNeely:
I decided to make a painter's studio roombox to display my miniature paintings as I work on them. I've planned a gallery for YEARS, maybe I'll get to it at some point, lol. My roombox kit arrived yesterday.
March Update:
I really underestimated how many bricks and mortar I would need! I just ordered more. I have widened the annex entry in the back and added windows to this part of the build. There us another front room that will be added as well.
June Update:
No June update
From Laura Miller:
I am going to try again with my Neverwillbe. I am determined to emulate the others that completed their year long projects last year and complete this. I got a lot done last year, but ended up breaking some of the items and having less done in September than in June. I have special boxes for everything and will be much more careful this year.
March Update:
No March Update
From Cinda Parent:
I am starting a Chinese Room box. I have painted the outside of the box and have some furniture and accessories.
March Update:
No March update
From Caryn Pitts:
I finally started on this kit for the 2023 Challenge, but ran out of time at the end of the year to finish it. So, my goal is to finish it this year and start on the flower shop I posted in my January 2023 picture!
March Update:
Well, I didn't get anything completed this quarter. It all just disappeared before I knew it. However, I have pulled the library out and my goal is to get the lighting wired and working this month and some art on the walls.
June Update:
No June update
From Paige Riley:
I’m so happy that you are doing another CYLC! I was sad to miss it last year. I have been so busy working on renovations for other people, that I haven’t devoted much time to my own. I have had this house for a couple of years and haven’t done anything with it! As you can see, it’s a storage shelf at the moment! I am planning on some changes in its structure, as well as remodeling inside and out with a ‘70s theme. I’m hoping quarterly reporting will keep me on track and motivated.
March Update:
Not much progress this quarter. But she’s cleared out, cleaned, and lead tested before I sanded. (I didn’t once on an old house and it was lead!) I took the upper windows out and I think I am going to do some structural work. I took the fireplace wall out and now it’s sagging a bit, so I may need to put some other support on the first floor.
June Update:
No June update
From Bernadette Shustak:
I am hoping to restore my quarter scale Castle Stalker and finish these other kits.
March Update:
I finished all of these and repaired my castle. Have two True2Scale micro gingerbread houses to finish.
(Editorial comment: She sent in 6 pictures but I am only putting up 2 per the rules.)
June Update:
No June update
From Logan Wilhelm:
1/24" scale kit by Amy Yates. Plan to get the structure assembled.
March Update:
Officially withdrew March 29, 2024