December 2024 -- Home for the Holidays

It's that time of year when we are reminded of family and friends and celebrating the holidays with them. For December, we asked you to send in pictures of miniatures featuring any holiday.

This month's sample challenge comes from Alician Pearce:

Halloween and Christmas are my all time favorite holidays! Most of my miniatures are either one of these themes. This is a small Christmas room that I put together about 5 years ago. I wanted to use up items from my stash, so everything in the room is from that. I made the room book and the Christmas tree, the wreath on the wall is by Cathy Rohal, and the dog is Barbara Meyer. Other than those items, I do not have a record of who made what.


Here are the beautiful submissions.

From Barb Antol:

This is one of my favorite Christmas pieces. It was the Day 25 kit in the 2023 Petite Properties Advent Calendar: The Yule Tide Christmas Shop. I really love the stained glass windows that came with this 1:48 scale kit and the Santa figure from Sally Reader Miniatures goes perfectly with the shop.



From Ruth Goodger:

 I have way too many Christmas scenes so hard to make a choice. This is an inch scale made in a Michaels box and the Quarterscale are from a Kathy A idea.



From Julia Greenhalf:

These pictures show the front and back of two of my favourites, Christmas of course. One is Jane Harrop’s Advent Calendar being a ski chalet and I’m a skier, the other is a challenge I entered with Pam Junk featuring Susie Newell’s NAME centre piece. I loved doing both, especially adding tiny little Mother and Father Christmas in a dome that a friend made for me but you probably can’t see in the photo.




From Crystal Dezenosky:

This is the first and only Christmas scene that I have done. It is a 1/4 scale scene in a Gingerbread House Scrubby Container. It was a lot of fun to make and I am very proud of it.

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From Bonnie Helterhoff:

I’ve been debating all month on what to submit because I adore Christmas and have several. This one was a fun day project headed up by Tish Tierney. 

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From Marjorie Parker:

This is the one inch scale Christmas room box I made for CYLC 2023. It represents my memories of Christmas 1962, when my brother and I received bicycles for Christmas. I tried to re-create my maternal grandparents’ Philadelphia living room as best as I could. There are also a lot of goodies in the room which were hand-made by my friend, Jean Gibson. Best of all, there is a glass cover to the room and so my cat can’t damage it. 
Easy-peasy decorating: just bring out the box!

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From Carin Shapiro:

The China Head ladies celebrate Chanukah .... they are 3 to 6 inches in height. Probably from 1875-1925.



From Cindy Bottasso:

The 1/4” scene was one of my first and favorite classes at the country store in Vancouver WA by Joanne. I miss her amazing classes. It was so satisfying to make something that small.



From Julie Stuckmeyer:

I was lucky enough to get an early prototype kit for Tammy Witthaus' Christmas/winter locket.

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From Pat Creagh:

I have planned a 1/4” mall Santa scene for a number of years. After saving pieces to use, I finally found a container that set it off. The dolls are all from Joy Cox. The trees are from Jeanne Abel.

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From Susan Buffaloe:

I made this glass dome project with my mini club FAME back in the 80’s. We created the base and made the tree from a bottle brush tree and covered it with lycopodium and mini lights. Each member made enough ornaments to share with the other club members. I filled in with beads and other little things. Tess Goodier made the candy canes.  
I made the chair in a class given by one of our members. The table is a House of Miniatures kit. All other accessories were collected from artists whose names I have forgotten. I updated the scene this year by adding 2 cats made by Alice Zinn which have the coloring of my own cats. Meowy Christmas!

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From Virginia Vasquez:

Santa Clause and the Elves enjoying Christmas dinner. 



From Lisa Miller:

This is my Christmas dining room.

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From Mary Chris Schultz:

This is Mrs. Clause's Christmas Kitchen in a bread box.



From Christine Bialczak:

This is a Christmas miniature I sold to a woman in France! 

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From Terry Unnold:

I finished Bonnie Helterhoff’s Christmas Cart just in time for the holidays.



From Gail Hering:

Every year this is my favorite, thanks to the artistic creativity of Ron Mummert.



From John Geppert:

This 7" Christmas tree is made from stiffened embroidery thread, floral wire, and a painted dowel. The ornaments are glass beads. It is the first component of a Christmas room inspired by a Norman Rockwell painting.

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From Christina Ayers:

Christmas scene done inside a plastic ornament bought from the Dollar Tree.

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From Sandra Whipple:

Mrs. Claus making a gingerbread house.


Thanksgiving cornucopia



From Carlye Wilde:

I wanted to share a room box that I created for the holidays.

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From Annette Swartz:

3D printed Christmas tree, base and Angel. Tree is gingerbread men holding hands.



From Jane Holbrook:

Keeping the reason in the season. Merry Christmas and blessings to all.

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From Carole Paquin:

This is a vignette done from a workshop in 2004 called Tahoe Christmas Eve. Two women in that area put on a 2-day workshop several years in row. This is the only year that our Oregon group of 4 attended. It was a fantastic opportunity.




From Elizabeth Lubera:

Here are two views of one of my favorite Christmas miniature displays: a lamp with a clear glass base and display shelves. It is on these shelves where I display – all year round – my favorite Christmas-themed miniature creations and collections. 

The first photo shows the lamp base in its entirety, including two stockings made by me, one from printed fabric and the other one hand-knitted.


The second photo shows a detail from the lowest shelf of the lamp, including: 

-on the wood table: a Buche de Noel, a traditional French Christmas cake, and a potted poinsettia plant

-attached to/beneath the brass lamp stalk: a Christmas plate (made by one of the members of my Wee Bees miniature group) and a box of Christmas “crackers,” a traditional British Christmas table decoration (that makes a popping sound when pulled to open) 

-on the floor: a Christmas feast, complete with a roasted turkey, side dishes of mashed potatoes and corn, cranberry sauce, and a berry pie – all made by me in a class at my favorite miniature store (sadly, no longer open): Miniature Makers

--at the corner is another traditional Christmas table decoration: a pyramidal “tree” of apples 



From Terri Correll:

This is my favorite mini, my half scale Christmas Retreat She Shed. 



From Mark Wilber:



From Marie Weeks:

Here is my country Christmas vignette constructed entirely of paper and foam board. It contains lots of toys, filled stockings and some cookies left for Santa at the fireplace. I even made a small Elf on the Shelf with wire covered extremities so he can change positions. 



From Laura Hancock:

I just finished this little store last night, and so far it is my only holiday miniature (I'm still rather new at this). All the breads and treats are handmade from clay, and all the graphics have either been digitally altered from their original images or are self-designed. This project is all based off internet research and not personal experience, so please be kind.

This is a homebrew re-skin of the Sweets and Treats Christmas shop from Hobby Lobby. I tried to model a Jewish bakery in the Lower East Side of New York, set on the evening of December 25th, the first night of Hanukkah in 2024. The Christmas tree outside is the city's contribution.

I chose the name "Paszek" because it is a Polish surname that means, "Little". I wanted to show the baker's family's Eastern European roots.  

The full list of items is as follows:  Sufganiyot, rugelach, bagels, bialys, rye loaves and challah bread, babka, cream cheese sugar cookies, matzo crackers, and nutty pinwheel pastries for Tu Bishvat! I placed a bowl of chocolate gelt on the counter for visiting children. There is a display Purim basket in the corner with a box of hamantaschen, a challah loaf, a small gift box of goodies, and a bottle of Kosher wine. I wish I had room for everything else I wanted to display.




From Elizabeth Stillion:

I added the note with cookies and milk.


I added the hot chocolate.



From Peggy McLoughlin:

My grandma Gertie’s Ohio house at 🤶🏼. See photo to compare replica.



From Debby Albert:

My quarter scale Christmas in a cookie box.




From Pamela Junk:

Wee mice at Home for the Holidays in a Walker's shortbread Christmas tree tin. This was inspired by one done by UK miniaturist 'Rusty', aka Jean Smith.



From Carol Shea: 

Home for the Holidays -- This is a quarter inch scene.




From Pat Jackson:

Here are a couple of dolls I made this year. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a great New Year.




From Ellen Scofield:



From Debi Cerone:

This is my Hanukkah cabinet, a club project workshop taught by Kelly Trichter of Melvin’s Miniatures. Kelly provided the cabinet kit and all of the club members filled them with different things. I’d been collecting Hanukkah minis for awhile, so this was a great project for my collection.




From Mary Johnson:

I love all my wintery miniatures, but I especially adore Susie Newell's miniatures. She made this whimsical, winter scene of a snowball fight in an Altoids tin. It's reminiscent of a small part of her Four Seasons Winter centerpiece. I enjoy her skillful painting and the snow-people "at play". This was a gift from Susie, loved and remembered, always! 



From Jackie Browder:

Every year, I make a small Christmas room box which is usually filled with swaps, and bring the collection out each year to display.



From Vicki Scidmore:

These were gift card boxes from the 99 Cent store. I put mini holiday scenes inside using assorted bits from my stash.

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From Carol Krystof:

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From Pam McDonald:
My favourite Christmas miniature is my version of the Quarter Connection Free Winter Project from 2017. It is 11:00 on Christmas morning 1965, after the presents have been opened and the hot cocoa drunk. Mom is seeing to the turkey, Dad is scraping off the car windshield in preparation for picking up Grandma and Grandpa (it is 1965 after all) and the children are talking with their friends, taking turns using the sole telephone in the house. I modeled the room after my aunt and uncle’s very chic 1960s living room which was considered scandalously modern by the rest of the family. 



From Marion Donovan:

A Hanukkah scene I arranged to celebrate my son-in-law.



From Judie Dresser:

Here's my Hanukkah Terrarium. I consider terrariums to be miniatures.



From Christiane Starks:

I like to use all of my mini Christmas projects to decorate my big doll houses. This one is from True2Scale and is one of my favorites! The kit was a Christmas gift from a friend several years ago. 



From Lynn Snyder:

Santa – Years ago I made the base and screen from a D’Anne Ruff kit. Our club made a Santa doll, this was my first attempt at making and dressing a doll. Needless to say, he came out a little short (like me) so I sat him in a chair. The standing Santa by the reindeer planter I made from a rubber baby doll covered with Bunka. 
Mrs. Santa – Years later our club did a Mrs. Santa, she was my second attempt at doing a doll. My mother and I did miniatures together and after she passed, I wanted to do something with the Christmas food and other items she had, and this was the result. My mother also made the angel in white.

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From Anne Renwick:

I had accumulated so many Christmas items that I made a Christmas shop in one of my block of shops (i.e. an Ikea dollhouse). But still there's little room to browse! Inside some of the items are: table tops made from slices from the trunks of two Christmas trees my niece and her family enjoyed; a Christmas ornament rocking horse; a silver jewelry sleigh; a gift tag reindeer; an artisan-made toboggan; a dollhouse from a trinket box; an advent wall quilt from a picture of a real one; ceiling border from scrapbooking stickers; wallpaper download; washi tape flooring; Christmas cookies from real sprinkles; and more!

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From Tammy Witthaus:

This is my 1/2” scale Brooke Tucker Golden Christmas that took me many years of collecting/creating. Hard to see but I also finished off the outside with elegant “wrapping paper” and bow.



From Ellie Falco:

My favorite holiday decorations is this 4 tier box with some favorite items on the 1st tier and then a tiny living room all decked out for Christmas, a little kitchen packed with holiday goodies in the making, and an outdoor scene at the bottom.

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From Brenda McDougall:

These pictures are of my quarter scale (1:48) Christmas ‘exploding’ box card/room box. When the lid is on the box, it looks like a little 3-inch square present – when the lid is removed, the ‘walls’ fall away showing the room all ready for Christmas.

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From Kim Kehoe:

My favorite Christmas mini.



From Catherine Hawkins:

Attached is a scene I call "Christmas Cat-A-Clysm"  ---  a room decorated for Christmas with 29 cats in various stages of destroying all the holiday decorations. They've taken down the tree, unpotted a poinsettia, gotten into the tinsel and the ribbon, pulled a swag off the mantel, knocked over the gingerbread house --- keep looking --- there's more!



From Pam Junk:

I made this Candy Corn House using the Seaside Miniatures GIngerbread House Kit, some Halloween scrapbook papers and candy corn glass beads for the fence. Then of course I had to make a Candy Corn Witch to inhabit it.



From Kathy Koons:

You guys couldn't have made it any harder- I've made so many holiday miniatures! But, most of them are of Christmas, because it is my favorite time of year. I guess my favorite is Jane Harrop's 1:48 scale 2021 Advent Calendar, where we did a step each day from December 1 to 24 to build a lodge. I gave mine a German name (Chalet Stechpalme - Holly Chalet) and filled it with her furniture kits designed for it, Volker Arnold Christmas decorations kits, and odds and ends. Fun to build and to look at! The great thing is I get to make another of her Advent Calendars this month.

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From Suzie Aguilar:

My favorite holiday miniature is Santa’s house that I finished last year thanks to Create’s Year Long Challenge. Santa has dozed off while Noel (Mrs Claus) and helper elf make treats in the kitchen and more elves are working away in the attic. You can see close ups of all the rooms on Christmas in Mini / Winter NAME POD on Facebook:
