CYLC 2024 Progress Pictures (M-Z)

Here are the participants in Create's Year Long Challenge (CYLC2024).

Participants are in alphabetical order by last name. This is the second half of the alphabet. Participants with a last name starting with M-Z are on this page.

Participants with a last name starting with A-L can be found here.

Completed projects can be found here.  

From Pam McDonald:

For 2024, I plan to furnish and landscape the quarter scale Visalian house that I built as my 2023 challenge.



March Update:

Here is one side of the house with the rooms completed - I just need to add some houseplants I am working on.




June Update:

I have furnished the remaining  rooms in my Visalian house -- 2nd bedroom, 2nd attic, hallway, and living room. I am hoping to complete the landscaping in the next quarter.



September Update:


Final Update:

From Carla McIntyre:

Since I was able to finish a long planned project that kept getting pushed down the to do list last year, I’m up for the 2024 challenge! My project this year is to complete my “museum” display. I’m starting with 2 four-sided display boxes from Hobby Builders bought many years ago. Each corner will be finished to display a different collection from my stash. A sewing room, a European kitchen using Reuter Porcelain, and a man’s workshop are some of my plans. I will also remove one panel to display a Chinese style dining room that was from my mother’s stash. I’ve started gathering pieces that will be in each display but, it’s also become a bit catch-all as you can see.




March Update:

Not making a whole lot of progress yet but, my State Day project is ready for display on April 13th and my centerpiece is almost complete! Once State Day is over, I’ll be working full steam ahead on this project.

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June Update:



September Update:


Final Update:

From Ann-Cary McLain:

At the recent Quarter Connection Mini Mart I was thrilled to acquire the Charleston Single - a kit I have sought for years. I plan to assemble, electrify, and furnish the house for my CYLC 2024 project.



March Update:

This quarter I laid out and stained two levels of flooring. All clapboard siding was attached and openings cut out. (Blue tape holds outer walls for a trial fit.) I made kitchen, dining room, and some bedroom furniture to help with the electrical plan. Not pictured - All electrical components and a display box were purchased.



June Update:

With my heavy work schedule this quarter, I tackled smaller tasks on the house - even if they were out of order. All the windows have been painted and "glass" (mod podge) applied. Doors have been painted (including gold doorknobs). All shutters have been painted. All porch railing units have been painted and assembled. Next quarter I'll tackle the wiring and wallpaper.



September Update:


Final Update:

From Ray Mendonca:

This is the Venetian by Rik Pierce. He taught this class back in 2005 (!) and I purchased the completed exterior from a friend who never finished it. (I'll be giving her credit later!)

I plan to complete the 2 interior rooms, add lighting and furnishings, and turn it into an 18th century Venetian mask shop. Will include some Italian elements outside (like a Venetian lamp post) at the front corner of the shop, and will alter the front door entrance. The downstairs interior was wallpapered but I've begun to remove it.

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March Update:

Continuing on with my Venetian Canal House/Mask Shop, I've stripped off the downstairs' wallpaper (am adding more lights, then plaster the walls) so it's almost ready.  Covering up the bottom floor's fireplace - only using the fireplace upstairs.  Cut out one of two doors to swap them - that's because I'm building a façade over one of the doors, but you'll have to wait until next quarter to see it!


Very Venetian to add a Blackamoor.  I found one by Lawbre at a sale, but it was broken.  Decided to re-wire it with a replaceable bulb, add a frosted globe, put him on a pedestal I just gold leafed and re-painted him and...voila!  Even hid the wiring inside the pedestal so it doesn't show.  Great dramatic look especially for the late 1700s/early 1800s.


(Jean DeVilbiss built the canal house in Rik Pierce's class back in '05.  I warned her the exterior is getting modified, but not entirely - just making it "my own".  While Jean did the initial exterior work, I'm happy to take it to the next level!)


June Update:

Working on the exterior and nothing new or dramatic to show yet, but ... I needed exterior lighting so what else to do for a Venetian building but add a Venetian street lamp! Scoured the internet for months, then found a vendor in...where? Trapani, Sicily, of course! I love the look and height of this, and since there's not much room outside, it fits the corner perfectly. 



September Update:


Final Update:

From Jan Mickelson:

I have selected the Acorn Wood Cottage in half inch scale for this year’s project.



March Update:

I’m not as far along as I thought I would be with my half scale acorn cottage! There was the task of gathering appropriate paint colors and of course brain freeze when I even think about landscaping. Onward!

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June Update:

I have made some good progress assembling ,painting, and gluing together the Acorn Cottage. The inside has one papered wall -- I may add some beadboard panel part way up the wall. The fireplace is not glued in yet -- need to do aging. The exterior will have a second color of paint so chimney has not been glued on yet but I think it turned out real nice. I'm excited to start on the paperclay trees.

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September Update:


Final Update:

Samantha Murray

Rinse and repeat. I’m continuing my challenge from last year with the Advent Calendar. 7 buildings down, 18 to go. IT WILL BE FINISHED THIS YEAR!!!



March Update:

I have 9 buildings designed so far and an idea of how it will all go together. Gotta step up my game!




June Update:

Progress has been slower than I hoped with real job and show prep getting in the way. Really hoping to jump in and get this finished in the next six months.



September Update:


Final Update:

From Linda Napier:

I was hoping to start the Adoorable shop last year after finishing the other project. Well, it's still in the box. I hope to complete it this year.



March Update:

Progress this quarter was staining all the pieces and laying the floors. 



June Update:

Here is my photo for the end of the second quarter. Of course, I wish it was further along, but I'm happy I'm making progress. 



September Update:


Final Update:

From Mary Neely:

This is my Antebellum Ballroom. This was started with the FAME club a long time ago. It followed me to North Carolina and has been waiting patiently to be completed. All the components are in my stash. This is the year to finish the ballroom!



March Update:



June Update:

The wallpaper is in place and the walls are about to be attached.



September Update:


Final Update:

From Brae Oktober:

My project is "The Persian." It is a latch hook chart by Patons scanned and printed on cotton, stitched entirely in French knots. The rug was started in 2017, and I've estimated the time to finish it is upwards of 200 hours.



March Update:

I've made some progress on The Persian, though not as much as I had hoped. Isn't that always the case?!



June Update:

I've started working on the medallion center, and that has inspired me to stitch more regularly. Fingers crossed I keep the momentum going!



September Update:


Final Update:

From Marjorie Parker:

This poor Laser Dollhouse Designs Jazmine 1/2 scale has languished for years in a coat closet. Because I started it with no skills and made a number of mistakes, I doubt I can fully restore it. Yet it deserves to be finished and inhabited by its Victorian family. I am doing hybrid battery lighting with round wire and have never ever done shingles. 

I am also tickled by all the fellow challengees working on Joie de Vivre. I have one to finish too, and would not let myself buy any furniture until it was done. Maybe that will be my CYLC for 2025. One word to you, don’t get all hung up on all the custom paint mixes… unless you want to, of course….



March Update:

Eeek! The March CYLC is due! I forgot! I have been working on the True2Scale lamps for my Club’s 1/48 scale project instead.

So earlier, I took my Jasmine 1/24 apart and tried to untangle the wiring. I did learn that 9 Volt batteries are not necessarily compatible with all ancient 1/24 scale 12 volt lamps that I have acquired and “inherited”. Who knew? Two of the lamps failed, one battery got super-hot and some wires needed to be re-spliced. It was far easier to get the fireplace going with a reliable Evan Designs LED fire kit.




June Update:

In this quarter of CYLC I learned that larger scales really are unforgiving. I also learned that tabs won’t fit into paint-filled slots, nor into paint-warped wood. Actually, I already knew - just had to remember - painfully! I tried out two new products for me - extra large rubber bands to use as clamps, and model-railroading’s Just Plug’s Light Block Kit. I am sure the putty in the light block kit would work even better in more patient and skillful hands than mine. It would be a great product for miniaturists in thinner strips and lighter colors. Yes, the porch roof was deliberately cut to hide the electronics underneath. Yesterday, it was deliberately snapped into three pieces because I neglected to re-familiarize myself with the directions since 2016 for order of assembly.

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September Update:


Final Update:

From Debbie Patrick:

A friend who was downsizing gave me these display kits. There are three kits which can be configured for 1-4 sections each. I have several collections in my closet which will be used to create museum style rooms. I’ll be starting with “A Museum of Yesteryear” and a museum room for “China”. I’ll use an entire kit for my Egyptian collection. The last box is being planned as a “Tribute to Disney” box. Thank You for continuing this Challenge!



March Update:

I am determined to finish my challenge this year but I have been totally consumed with our State Day this quarter. I don't have any progress pictures this quarter.


June Update:

My CYLC is to complete three display boxes by FINALLY getting my collections sorted and displayed so I can enjoy them. The first box was divided into two triangles: China & YesterYear. 

The collecting of Chinese pieces started in 1992 when I visited Hong Kong on business. The screen along the back, the small jade dragon, the pink and green jade ducks, and the sword (actually letter opener) on the wall were purchased there. Later when I visited San Francisco’s Chinatown and DisneyWorld’s Epcot, I purchased additional things. There are also some pieces I purchased in mini shops or received from friends. I never knew what I wanted to do with them until I received the display boxes from my friend Mary Neely.


The second half of the display box is a “YesterYear” collection. Some of the pieces were made by myself or my husband (Martha Washington sewing cabinet, sewing table and ice box). Most of the pieces were originally owned by Pat Hartman who downsized her collection. (I was the lucky person who helped her pack for the move.) Those pieces include the spinning wheel, the manual printing press, the 2-person butter churn, the apple press and the cabbage shredder. I need to do signage for this collection plus I want to make additions to the scene, a basket of apples for the press, cabbages for the shredder, sewing basket, etc.



September Update:


Final Update:

From Kathy Patrick:

I am hoping to achieve completion of my 2023 goal, which is finishing the entire dollhouse inside and out, one room at a time. I still have seven rooms (or areas) of the interior and several items of trim, shutter, roofing and bricking for the exterior. Here are pictures of the rooms of the interior yet to be finished.




March Update:

I spent almost a month trying to correct electrical problems and “almost” have it fixed. I finished off a back porch room into a garden shed. I also did a lot of decorative finishing in to dining room (wall decor, table, and stained glass window). I started a room upstairs, doing built in cabinets. I also did a lot of trim work.

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June Update:

I haven’t made much visible progress since I spent so long fighting with electrical problems. However, I finished another room, made into a craft room. Since I had a slanted roof to deal with, I made built ins along that wall.  All went well and all lighting worked….until they didn’t.  I can’t put final decor into it until my once again electrical problem is solved.  I suppose my next quarterly update will show the demolition of several rooms and finding out what happened to the tapewire hidden under wallpapers. Since I became at a stand still with continuing on with another room and not being able to do any flooring or wallpapering, I decided to begin bedding and draperies for another room. My progress is now in reverse with demolition needed. 

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September Update:


Final Update:

From Alician Pearce:

My main goal for 2024: I want to get the basic structure done on my book shop. If I get done early with that, then I will work on the kits for the insides .... that will be a bonus .....


These will be bonus items if I get the structure done ...



March Update:

I have had a crazy first part of the year... this is all that I was able to get done.

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June Update:

I did not get much done on the structure, but I did get most of the lighting in, and also got some of the furniture assembled.

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September Update:


Final Update:

From Melody Petlock:

My goal for the 2024 NAME year long challenge is to make some progress on this display cabinet dollhouse I built about 7 years ago. I at least want to finish whatever is needed for the dolls to move in. (Flooring, baseboards, door frames, strip lighting, stairs, and any "built ins".
I call this dollhouse the Dutch House. It is the home of a Sea Captain and his very creative wife (M'Lady). The house is in some warm Dutch colony so a lot of the furnishings are white wicker. They have been many places so have decorated their house with things collected on their travels.

The photos are a rough image that was the best I could find of the basic kit (Real Good Toys 20+ room showcase) and the current "secret shame" state of the house. M'Lady is not amused!




March Update:

The first step was clearing out all the things stuffed in the dollhouse over time. Over these months I have painted, cut and glued a lot of doorframes and baseboards. I also worked on hallway doors - false entrances, exits. I made 2 cheap fireplaces super fancy and upscaled a couple of shelf units. I botched hallway floors so am waiting for new lovely blue tiles.
I am enjoying making progress thanks to this motivating year-long challenge!



June Update:

In the second quarter I figured out and installed a lot of trim and finished all of the flooring. It's becoming a challenge to focus on architecture, walls, floors, windows, stairs and trims. I keep wanting to work on furniture and fill shelves!



September Update:


Final Update:

From Cheryl Polito:

I am going to continue working on my log cabin and think I will take the advice of working on it every day from a certain time so by December 31, 2024 I will have it finished inside and out. 



March Update:

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June Update:

One side of roof is on and some ceilings done. I brought it up to the RV park but will have to take it home since it is too humid and even though it is covered and wrapped in a sheet and tarp things are not liking the moisture. I hope to finish the last two floors and ceilings so I can add the logs to the outside. Hopefully next check in I will be working on furniture.




September Update:


Final Update:

From Jackie Rich:

I would like to complete this Christmas project. It will include the structure, furnishings, and landscaping.



March Update:

This is a start! Easy construction but still will take a while to finish! Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! What wallpaper to use, what colors to paint and stain, what furniture to use, where and how to make and place room dividers, what to use, and where to place lighting!!!



June Update:

Making real progress finally!! 



September Update:


Final Update:

From Kelle Risoli:

I really want to try and get this completed. Fantasy Cottage revised into a Gothic Chamber.




March Update:

I have made some modifications to the size and the material that will be used. So far I have created the prototype and the patterns I'll use to cut the pieces. Doesn't seem like much but at least it's progress ;-)



June Update:

I was able to get the furniture for the King's Scribe quarters made and prototyped the Rose Window in the curved castle wall (half of an oatmeal box). The furniture is made from cardstock and chipboard cut on my Cricut Maker. Credit for the Gothic Fireplace and the Prie Dieu goes to Thicketworks Studio (Heather Tracy) and the medieval bookcase design is from Spellbound Miniatures (Lisa Sones-Peck). Had a happy accident happen with the bookcase & the Prie Dieu when I sprayed on a light coat of Krylon clear Gloss. Don't know if it was an old can or my spraying technique or spraying in 100 degree temperatures, but the color and the texture it left is perfect! Will have to try to replicate it.

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September Update:


Final Update:

From Jeffrey Ritter:

I am submitting as my year long challenge the completion of this 3 building, nine room Amsterdam townhouse project. This project is the selected project for the Carolina state Day event on April 24, but I may need more time. I WILL need more time. The scale is 1:48.

I have watched several documentaries and films about Rembrandt and Vermeer, and we had a recent exhibit at the North Carolina Museum of Art on those painters and their peers. So, the upper rooms will be completed as if they are the art studios of 3 different artists, adorned with the props and garments found in a famous painting -- so it looks like everyone stepped away for lunch. On the center floor will be a servant's room, a prep room (with pigments, canvases, and stuff), and a fancy owner's bedroom. On the main floor will be a kitchen, two fancy rooms, a dining room, and an office. 



March Update:

The 1:48 Amsterdam houses are proceeding well. Nearly 3000 bricks hand-installed and all window shutters installed. Interior timbers installed. Doorways and stairwells cut. Stairways assembled. Stucco interior walls done. Stained wood floors installed for five rooms. Stone floor and parquet floor pieces for remaining rooms cut but not installed. The studio rooms (all from the Dutch painter Vermeer) to be recreated have been selected. Ceiling timbers cut and stained. Cobblestone test moldings and painting completed.

All the interior furnishings and accessories have been selected and acquired. I hope to make as many as possible by hand--using the kits I purchased as templates with which to pattern, cut and assemble from my own wood.  Approximately 90+ furniture items, not counting pots, pans, books, flowers, serving dishes, easels, etc. Have learned how to paint miniature (shrink a paint-by-number and then complete under a magnifier!) and will try to do so with some of the great classics. 

Much more to report but you said it needed to be short. 



June Update:

I had a lot of disruptions this quarter but made progress, have constructed interior on 3 rooms, learned how to do cobbles (still need paint finishing) and made a lot of the interior objects I determined I cannot build by hand with my skill set. Also lots of little accessories (fruit, vegetables, knives, baskets, flowers) that we 3d printed or kits that I have assembled.  

Have prepared a  video blog on the research and background work I did to design and build.



September Update:


Final Update:

From Connie Sauve:

Kringle’s Tree Farm started when my friend Don Silva, gave me the wood shack who made it from scratch. I happened to have the acrylic cover already, so I had the base made to fit the cover, which dictated the size of the project. I fell in love with the MacKenzie-Childs colorful truck and bought one on eBay. The truck fit in great with the shack and I decided to turn the scene into a Christmas tree lot. The shack will be selling Christmas items, there will be a split-rail fence around the whole scene with a gate. There will be a family buying their Christmas tree from tree lot. There will be lots of snow and lights, creating an iconic American Christmas scene.



March Update:

“Kringle’s Tree Farm” is coming along great so far! I made the split rail fence from old wood stakes I found in the desert. The snow has been started by laying down the first layer of styrofoam. The sales shack is in place and also the truck. I made the pine tree display shelf from scratch, which still needs to painted and finished.




June Update:

I accomplished a few new things for my YLC, “Kringle’s Tree Farm” project. I added more snow to the base and also super fine white glitter to make it sparkle. I also made a four-sided tree shelf from scratch that will add additional display space for Christmas decorations for sale. The split-rail fence and gate are also now finished. I had a bit of a setback with the Christmas tree lights I want to swag from the top of candy-striped poles that will be positioned around the tree lot. The white lights I had planned on using looked orange instead of white, so I will have to rethink the lights.  Right now I’m testing the height of the poles (they will be shorter) and the red striping. The project is coming along, although a bit slower than I would like. Hopefully the next deadline I will have much more finished!




September Update:


Final Update:

From Carin Shapiro:

I will be working on installing electrical, moulding, walls, and floors in this house. Of course, there are a few other projects going on at the same time, namely a flower shop, completion of a house in my VT house, and electrical repairs on a roombox. Enough to keep me out of trouble!



March Update:

Although my house is still a wreck, I did prime it, installed the tape wire, bought most of the wallpaper, redid the cupolas (50 cents each from a NAME garage sale), cut openings for a few new windows. I think my work will be more visibly obvious next quarter.




June Update:

I am making slow but steady progress, with the typical electrical obstacles I have in all of my houses. In the next quarter I hope to have the rest of the wallpaper. Electrical and flooring installed. 




September Update:


Final Update:

From Susan Skinner:

I would like to complete my project from the 2023 CYLC.



March Update:

I've been tackling the trim and all the miter cuts a bit more and laid the floor on 1/4 of the upstairs. Its been very tricky doing the first back room but after I get the second back room floor laid the front two will be easy.




June Update:

This last quarter was busy for me with non mini things so I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped but I did get more of the upstairs flooring done. One room left! Hoping to finish laying it tonight so I can stain it with the nice weather this week.



September Update:


Final Update:

From Kirsten Smolensky:

I want to finish Santa’s house which started as a $20 flea market find 4 years ago. It’s been stripped and partially electrified, but I want to finish it this year before Christmas. 



March Update:

Created kitchen cabinets and added lighting to fridge and over faux window. Created TV from scratch. Created mail sorting center from scratch. Still a long way to go!!




June Update:

I had a rough quarter! The electric stopped working thanks to some loose sodder spots so I had to rip out some wallpaper etc and start over. Once that was fixed, I focused on Santa’s mailroom including the Santa tracker. Recently I started the workshop, building the first bench. Hope to get it at least presentable for conference!!




September Update:


Final Update:

From Helen Sparks:

This year I hope to finish decorating the inside of the 1/2" scale Colonial and also assemble Kiki's Magic Emporium (a gift from my grandkids).



March Update:

Still gathering furniture appliances and accessories!



June Update:

Bathroom is finished and bedroom just needs a window treatment. Other rooms are still “in progress”.

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September Update:


Final Update:

From Jodi St. Pierre:

This is my childhood dollhouse, at least 50 years old. It was stored in an old garage and evidently provided a home for a furry family. I thought it had been destroyed and thrown away due to flood damage. My son surprised me Christmas Day! It was packed behind some old boxes and he recently found it (and cleaned it out). I'm going to try to save what I can, including furniture, carpet, and that awesome green velvet wallpaper!



March Update:

The 50 year old dollhouse needed a complete rehab, including a warped board needing replacement. I took it completely apart to sand and repair (it looked so sad as a stack of boards). Carpet and wallpaper were removed. Doors and windows enlarged to scale. Stairs and interior doorways added.

It is now back together and solid. By June, I hope to have all windows and door frames installed, and MAYBE walls and cleaned carpet. Collage pics show progress, before/after.




June Update:

Did a little this quarter. The walls were originally particle board. Paint or wallpaper would have shown the roughness. Made "skins" for walls and ceiling out of very thin wood. Put together a parquet floor design for the kitchen. Made a spiral staircase for the attic. Next projects are getting everything glued down, and then paint/wallpaper...maybe even reinstalling most of the original carpet (has been cleaned).

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September Update:


Final Update:

From Barb Striethorst:

OK, I'll bite and try to finish my not completed 2023 Year Long Challenge "Loonie Toonie PLUS" store in 2024!!



March Update:

I have made progress! The toys are installed in the shelving unit that I almost finished last year. All the candy is in the cash counter front shelves. The Christmas display is finished.  I may just get this project completed in 2024.



June Update:

The card rack is populated with general occasion cards, boxes and 'bags of bows'. There is a box with rolls of kraft and general occasion wrapping paper. I made a 'pegboard' with shopping bags to mount behind the cash register. More pinatas and a disco ball (Christmas ornament) join the previous sunflower pinata.



September Update:


Final Update:

From Julie Stuckmeyer:

I started this castle in the summer of 2020 and got this far in a few months ... and it has sat on my shelf ever since!! My goal is to finish it "Hogwarts-style" as a companion to my Wandlyn Way Street of Shops (Petworth Studios' "Street of Shops for North American Wizards").


And, because I'm a glutton for punishment (or I like to really challenge myself -- we'll go with that!) I'm also going to finish my Joie de Vivre ... inside and outside!



March Update:

My castle progress amounted to a lot of lighting work and a little landscaping. For Joie de Vivre, I completed the structure.




June Update:

I finished my Joie de Vivre but have made no progress on my castle. Hopefully I can get back to that in the second half of the year!



September Update:


Final Update:

From Fran Sussman:

This year I’ve gotten smarter. I’m going to commit to finishing something that is already started. This is a Georgian Babyhouse I took in a class with Geoff Wonnacott in 2018. I’ve been lighting and gradually filling it ever since. Only three rooms left, covering the edges, and attaching the doors. This is the year I plan to finish it. Hmmm … will I make it?



March Update:

One more room done, only 2 to go. The bedroom (top right) was challenging! Lots of experimenting to make curtains and a dust ruffle. But it will be so much easier next time I have to do it. On to the gentlemen’s study next!



June Update:

This wasn’t a good quarter for the Babyhouse. But I have given thought and collected a few items for the next room. I vow to finish it by December 31!!



September Update:


Final Update:

From Julia Tchikine:

This year, I want to finish a roombox that I started a few months ago. It is a bathroom (see the bottom image), and I am trying to make most of the accessories and pieces by hand. I have completed some of it, but I would love to have all the accessories and furnishings completed by the end of the year, and maybe even get started on the exterior. 

I would also like to finish a roombox that I started recently (see the top image), but haven't made much progress on.



March Update:

I got a surprising amount of work done these past few months! I finished painting all of the walls, built a roof, made some furniture, and glued in the wood floor. I hope that the next few months are as productive as these have been!

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June Update:

I finally finished the bedroom and all the furniture! I might still make a shelf above the bed, but we'll have to see. I hope that I can get a lot of work done these next few months!



September Update:


Final Update:

From Barbara Thornton-Hill:

This is a series of projects I need to finish. 6-1/2 book boxes to fill from 2020, 6 suitcases to fill from 2021 and 13 or 14 kits from the 50th Anniversary to put together. I’d love to finish these projects. I had to move in the summer of 2023 and had to drop out with minimal progress so I'm reusing my 2023 Challenge for this year.


The goal is to get my craft room in order by the end of 2024. This is my before collage.



March Update:

CYLC’24 #1. 

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June Update:

Update goal 1: 2 more done. Now I have 8/22 finished.


Update goal 2: Slowly but surely



September Update:


Final Update:

From Terry Unnold:

I really hesitated about jumping in on this challenge again, so I dithered about it until the bitter end. I’ve had this plastic monster for years, ever since I told miniature shop owner, Eileen Godfrey, that I had always wanted one. They were advertised in Nutshell News, I think in the eighties, but I had never seen one in a shop anywhere. Eileen thought there was a good reason for that since she thought it was a plastic monstrosity that she would never sell. She had acquired it in an estate from another shop that wasn’t able to sell it. She happily consigned it to the trunk of my car as a gift. It has really small rooms but there’s a very elegant version of it at the Museum of Miniatures in Carmel, Indiana to inspire me. Also nudging me on are my 1/12 scale Barbies who have seen the movie and want their own house this year!




March Update:

Not much to report this quarter. I managed to clear out the house that will be my Homage to Barbie” and bring it to my workbench. Then I located the bits and pieces that I think will go into the house and asked Barbie and Ken what they thought.  Barbie is happy with the tub but they are still thinking about that painting. Next quarter, I need to get the ceiling lights to work and decide on walls and floors. How much pink??? The Barbie in the tub is a Hallmark Barbie head on an articulated body and I will continue to maim more dolls so that they are more poseable.




June Update:

Very little to report this quarter. I had hoped to finish the entire patio, but, as you can see, the Kens are holding things up. They got their barbecue delivered and now they can’t agree on where to put it!  Barbie is not happy….



September Update:


Final Update:

From Donna Vanaselja:

This is a project from Quarter Connection online. I built the initial structure and found my occupants, but then stopped working on it. It will be Snow White’s cottage with her dwarves in quarter scale.




March Update:

I added thatch, but not happy with it yet. All the windows are in and framed. All walls and ceiling are covered and the floors are installed. I’ve been working on the furniture and fireplace.
Doors and stairs are next.




June Update:

I added trees to the entries in the front of the house. I repurposed a plastic fireplace and installed it. I made beds for Snow and her dwarves. I’m not sure about the spiral staircase yet.




September Update:


Final Update:

From Marcie Van Deren:

I am going to try to finish three (3!!) projects. They have hung around way too long. 
1. The 2009 AZ State Day RV ... Needs refurbishing and a landscaped base with the dust cover.  
2. Lace Shop ... Inside shop walls and floor are done. Furniture is started. Piles of lace to be turned into everything a lace shop should contain. 
3. The Thrifted Living Room ... Nothing is started. Have to build the room box. I have been collecting for it for a long time.



March Update:

This has been an excellent challenge. I am further along in these three projects that I would have thought possible! The Thrift store is out of the box and put together. The trailer base just needs the hookups now. The lace shop has been painted on the outside and most everything has been made for the inside. I just need to paint the trim and put in the lights. Thank you for the encouragement!



June Update:

This challenge has been so good for me! The camper scene is almost finished. I am just deciding if I need long grass around the boulders!
The Thrifted Living Room has become a thrift store called Treasures
The lace shop is waiting on the wiring from Evan Designs. But the trim has been painted and the ceiling done except for the lights. All the goodies inside are ready to place!



September Update:


Final Update:

From Denise Voelker:

This mess is going to be the Neverwas, which after a year has been nicknamed Never-maybe.



March Update:

Windows are in and 2nd floor is attached to the 1st floor.




June Update:

Well the building is done, although I need to move the front set of wheels. This summer I will work on electric and furniture.




September Update:


Final Update:

From Sandra Whipple:

I plan to complete my half-scale cottage by adding a second floor, roof, electricity, furnishings and landscaping. 



March Update:

I have added a second floor, roof, and electricity. 

CYLC2024   CYLC2024


June Update:

I have completed the exterior of my half-scale cottage. Next is furnishing and landscaping.

CYLC2024   CYLC2024


September Update:

I finished the interior of my half scale cottage and worked on the landscaping.




Final Update:

From Cat Wingler:

I plan to take the year to build, furnish and decorate, plus inhabitants, the Fairy Tale Book Nook by Debbie Young as a street of Christmas shops.



March Update:

I have assembled the building fronts and since this is to be a street of Christmas shops, I changed the color choices. Then I added the timbers. Next is the doors and windows and the trim for the doors and windows, and hopefully the roofs.

CYLC2024  CYLC2024


June Update:

This quarters plan is doing the doors and windows and trim pieces for the doors and windows, adding the roof pieces and shingling all the roofs. I made some adjustments to the original colors after I dry fit all the pieces. I put the base colors on the roof, and will add snow later. I did the cobblestones on the floor and did the base colors on the cobblestones. Next is building the box and doing the electrical.



September Update:

I did the electrical work before I glued the box together. I’ve glued in all the buildings. I still need to make some decisions about the box exterior just as soon as I decide whether or not I want it permanently open or closed.  Next I’ll make the shop signs and then add the snow so scene will be ready to decorate for Christmas.

CYLC2024  CYLC2024


Final Update:

From Tammy Witthaus:

The big project that I want to complete is Petalstone both inside and outside.


My 2nd project to complete is my 1/2 scale Fairy B&B. This started as a class at 2016 Chicago International called Game of Stones that I modified. I need to complete the electrical, finish the top, complete the stone work, and the stream/water.



March Update:

Petalstone - 1st floor basics and kitchen complete. On to the ceiling and building 2nd floor.


Added more fairies. Completed lighting, top, and added more stone work. Now trying to find a background scene picture for the top and add more water.



June Update:

Petalstone: I have the 2nd floor just about done and bathroom furnished! Too bad it’s difficult to see after all that work. Next on to the conservatory, 3rd floor, etc. 

No further progress on my 1/2” scale fairy B&B. I still need to find the perfect background and get it printed.



September Update:


Final Update:

From Marty Young:

This year I want to complete the build from last year (Debbie Young’s Charleston Single). I also want to complete Birdhouse Bluff (pictured) with the landscaping. Then I want to start the Neverwas. Everything is collected and is in plastic boxes. No need to show pictures of plastic boxes.




March Update:

My year long challenge is to finish the Colonial single etc but this quarter I got side tracked into finishing my village houses. So here are 4 that I have completed. 



June Update:

This quarter I finished 2 of the traveling village houses and the details on the first floor of the Charleston Single. Now off to the second floor and finish more of my houses.



September Update:


Final Update:

From Stephanie Yue: 

I would like to give the 2024 Challenge a try.This is a picture of Robin Betterley’s Secret Cabinet monthly kits for 2023. I also have her 2022 kits but think maybe I can handle 2023 better.



March Update:

I chose the biggest kit and completed the cabinet today. I have the door done, but I won’t install it until I complete 2 rooms: April and May that go behind the door. Having a deadline motivated me. I’m having fun.



June Update:

Here is my progress on the cabinet drawers. I hope to finish the bottom middle box before the end of June.

CYLC2024   CYLC2024


September Update:


Final Update:

From Ellen Yunker:

I honestly can’t remember just when I ordered this lamp-roombox but I think it was 2012! Our club chose personalized kits and I think I’m the only one who didn't finish. However, I completed the French knot rug last year so I’m hoping to finish the whole piece in 2024. Thanks to the Create team for offering this incentive!



March Update:

All I’ve done is finish off the edges of my rug, add some trees to my Putz house window display & make 14 poinsettias, finishing 2 pots! I actually made a bunch of poinsettias a couple of years ago but can’t find them, so I bought more kits at the Columbus show in November. I promise I will make more progress by June!



June Update:

I’m cooking’ with gas! At last got the mojo goin’ and I’m decorating the tree, arranging presents, and gluing down the food. Club member Jenni will stop by to wire up my lights and then it’s GO BABY, GO!



September Update:


Final Update:

From Estee Zeitlin:

The Year Long Challenge of 2023 propelled my progress which had me complete 4 of 6 rooms, one in each quarter. This year my goal is to continue this same Wesley Inn with the hope of designing the last two bedrooms along with two bathrooms, the hallways, the exterior, and the lighting.




March Update:

Grand Bedroom with private bath




June Update:

Well, it's been a busy 3 months and not much time to work on this project. The bathroom is coming together. After National I hope to do a marathon run on completing the 2nd floor.



September Update:


Final Update:

From Sharon Zingery:

This project was started during the pandemic. I must finish it. It will end up being a south west mission church. There’s supposed to be a courtyard on the side. Thanks for giving me a way to push myself to complete it.



March Update:

I added the courtyard, still deciding whether to put it on the right or left. Still a lot - a lot - to do.



June Update:

I fixed one of the lights that wasn’t working and will have to get creative about the other one because I failed to get it working and I added to some stucco parts and fine stucco on previous applications that wasn’t working. I added a ceiling and added a gate to the courtyard and moved it from left to right and glued it together. I carved steps at the entryway to the courtyard out of the insulating foam that will be the ground. So it’s not a lot of progress, but I feel like I’ve overcome my hesitancy to finish. Thanks to this project, I picked it up again. I had gotten frustrated because the lights that I made didn’t work and I shoved it aside in frustration, but we’re now back in the game. Thanks to you guys!




September Update:


Final Update: