Our theme for March is "Your Dirty Secrets"! Everybody needs to do laundry and our challenge for the month is to send in a picture of a miniature with a laundry theme. This month's challenge sample comes from Barbara Thornton-Hill who made this 1:48 scale laundry room in a travel size Tide box.

To participate, please send in your picture (no more than two, please) and a brief description to Debbie Colombo at irvfink@gmail.com and we will post it HERE.
A special "thank you" to all who donated to Create's Coffee and Donuts Fundraiser. We raised over $600 to benefit Create programs.
Click here for more information on all our Create-ive Offerings ... we have lots!
Have you had a chance to look at the NAME store recently?
Many of our past t-shirts are available along with oodles of other NAME merchandise. There are also souvenirs from conventions and pins.
If you haven’t dropped in to one of the live zoom sessions you have no idea how much fun you can have playing minis in the comfort of your own home with online friends.

Check the calendar for times and links.