Spot the Difference - Summer Fun!

Connie Robinson created this Spot the Difference using a lot of fun things to look forward to this summer.  See if you can spot all 11 of the differences.  

You should really try making one of your own…they really are kind of fun.  To make one, simply start with a display or even a selection of small items, photograph it head on…move some things around (10 – 12 differences are good) and re-photograph (I just used my phone).  Then, send the two photographs to me (Debbie Young –  And, don’t forget to send a key with the differences as well.  It is that simple.  It will be a fun way to share a little bit of yourself with our members. Give it a try!  Connie did and I am so proud of her and she did say it was fun!

Scroll down for answer key.


















Keep going... if you are certain.



















#1 - Basketball replaced football
#2 - Red & Blue lawn darts switched places
#3 - Life ring is now blue instead of red
#4 - Beachball is turned
#5 - Coke bottles rearranged
#6 - Ice is in the bucket
#7 - Sign is changed
#8 - Boots are turned
#9 - Hamburger & Cookies switched places
#10 - Frog & Pot switched places
#11 - Bread is turned a quarter of a turn