Camp Make-A-Mini Metal Day

These videos and tutorials are just a few that can be found on the internet. We hope you enjoy what the Create Special events team has for you here.

Using a bit of ingenuity this electric toothbrush becomes an electric sander.
"How to Make an Electric Sander" Miniature Gazette Jul/Aug 2017, p.26

A video from Tiny Craft Life on finding and using tiny metal charms and turning them into items for your Dollhouse or Miniature scenes. A quick and easy DIY hack. Great ideas!

A video from Sugar Charm Shop on making 1" scale metal pots from thin sheet copper.
Her food videos are great too.

A video on making a 1" scale copper pot curtesy of Vancouver Dollhouse Miniatures

Another video from Vancouver Dollhouse Miniatures. This one demonstrates how to make copper measuring spoons. Great idea!

One more from Vancouver Dollhouse Miniatures. Making tin cans for your pantry from the metal on pencil erasers. Ingenious. This is part 1 of 2.

Part 2 of the tin cans videos. Painting and adding labels.

This video from Rina Vellichor shows how to make a canister set from an aluminum pie pan.