Spot the Difference-German Christmas

December Spot the Difference

From Debbie Young


For the Spot the Difference this month, I thought I would use my tiny wooden German collection.  I love these little painted wooden figures and I pick them up wherever I can, whether it is in Germany or from German dealers at shows.  A few years ago I purchased this lovely ½” scale display from Frank Moroz, but it wasn’t until I was cleaning out my shop during the first few months of the pandemic that I decided to put the two together.  I love having this collection out on display and I look at it every day.  See if you can spot the 9 differences.


Scroll down for answer key.

















Keep going... if you are certain.
















            #1        The wreath and the pyramid have changed places in the windows.

            #2        The Santa Smoker moved to the other side of the sales counter.

            #3        The train out front is heading in the opposite direction.

            #4        The drawer with the trees is one higher.

            #5        The lid is off of the box of Santas.

            #6        The two Santas on the top have switched places.

            #7        The tiny bunny is facing the other direction (and the tree behind him is missing…and by that, I mean it is really missing…I can’t find it).

            #8        The mounted nutcrackers have changed places with the standing nutcrackers.  

            #9        The two market stalls on the counter have changed places.

                        Even if you keep looking…nothing in the tiny display has moved…they are all glued down.