April's Share A Memory -- Memorable Technology Bloopers

Since April's Theme is "Miniatures Meet Technology" our second challenge -- the memory challenge -- is asking: "What was your most memorable technological blooper?" We've all hot glued our hands or sliced our fingers with Exactos but what was the most memorable blooper you experienced?

Please send your submissions (with a picture if you have one!) to Julie Stuckmeyer (julies3333@gmail.com) and it will be published on this page.


From Create's Alician Pearce:

Technology is a WONDERFUL thing .... until it goes wrong!!! And with 3D printing, it can go sideways in a heartbeat! The varigated mess, was a 14 hour build that I let go over night. I came into work to this mess!! All you can do is laugh at that point, clean it up and press start once again, and pray that it will work the second time!! Little messes like the Tiki planters, are an easy fix. The tiki planters were able to be salvaged, but the other mess, just goes into the trash ... I LOVE 3D printing, but some days more than others.... 





From Julia Greenhalf:

 I used to open glues etc with my teeth until ... I tried to open Super Glue with my teeth and I ended up with Super Glue on my teeth and a tiny bit inside my mouth. I knew Super Glue didn’t like moisture and kept moving my mouth. That was fine but it took a few days for the Super Glue to come off my teeth. Needless to say, I don’t open ANYTHING with my teeth anymore!


From Mary Barrett:

When making my tiny glass paperweights and marbles, I use kiln paper to keep the glass from sticking to the kiln shelf. I buy the special paper from a stained glass shop. They wrap the paper in a plain sheet of paper. Well I had all the paper together, bad idea, and just grabbed the first sheet I came to .... when I opened the kiln after the firing was complete, the paper was all charred. I had grabbed the plain paper the kiln paper was wrapped in and put that in the kiln under my glass. Learned my lesson, recycle the wrapping paper.  At least I did not burn down my garage!


From Cheryl Polito:

Most of my blunders I throw away so I don’t have one to show you but there have been plenty in the year since I bought my first printer. I found this beautiful Cinderella carriage and excitedly set it up to print. I had plans to do things but wanted to print the carriage so I set everything up, started printing, and then finished what else I had to do. But when I came inside after almost 4 hours there was nothing but tons of supports. What a huge disappointment. 
